Awards, News

Nawah among top ten “Africa’s Business Heroes” by Jack Ma foundation

Cairo, November 14th, 2019

The Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative (ANPI) has identified the top 10 finalists for its grand finale event taking place in Accra, Ghana on 16 November 2019. The finalists were chosen from nearly 10,000 applicants from 50 African countries. After months of judging and deliberation, the finalists were shortlisted and will now go on to pitch their business directly to four finale judges led by Jack Ma, the renowned founder of Alibaba Group, during a televised finale event called “Africa’s Business Heroes”. The winners will receive a share of the $1 million USD grant prize pool.

The Jack Ma Foundation will host a full-day Africa Netpreneur Summit, an invitation-only conference where African and global entrepreneurs, investors, educators, and leaders will convene to discuss how best to enable entrepreneurship and the digital economy across the continent. Guest speakers at the conference will include Ban Ki-moon, Former UN Secretary General and Co-chair of the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens. The conference will be followed by the “Africa’s Business Heroes” event in the evening.

“We launched the Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative to identify top entrepreneurs from across the continent, not only to reward them but to inspire a whole new generation of potential gamechangers for Africa.” said Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba Group and the Jack Ma Foundation.

Revolutionizing scientific research in Africa

Nawah is the Arabic word of ”nucleus”. Nawah is a core hub of advanced equipment specialized in natural and medical sciences and offering analytical and scientific services online and on demand. We are an outsourcing partner to scientist and industries working in fields related to life sciences. Nawah’s online platform receives experiments requests, Nawah’s scientists carry them out and return results online. Thus, we enable scientists to carry cutting edge research, in less time and lower cost. Our clients are academics at universities in disciplines of life sciences (Biology, chem, pharma,…) as well as any industry in need of analyzing their products (Petro/oil, chemicals, agriculture, …). Over 4 years of operation, Nawah has analyzed over 25K samples coming from 32 universities based in 9 countries. Nawah’s business model is revolutionizing the scientific research ecosystem since scientists can now carry world class level of research regardless of the equipment available in their labs.

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